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昨天才看到佬的音乐 API 分享一个扣扣音乐 API
v2.1.0 版本主要新增了快捷聊天测试功能,对接了魔改的 NextChat,并优化了预设参数,方便中转站关闭聊天。此外,还添加了实验性功能模块,支持批量测试 gpt Refresh Tokens、claude Session Keys 和 gemini API Keys。界面布局和显示也得到了改善,Dockerfile 镜像体积减小。v2.0.0 版本则引入了云端存储和本地存储功能,支持绑定到 new-api 实现预制设置。部署方面,支持 Vercel、Docker 和 Cloudflare 部署,并提供了详细的部署教程。
Channel Monitor 渠道监控
用户分享了一个自动登录OpenAI官网获取access token的Python脚本,适用于解决RT刷AT问题。脚本使用简单,下载后安装依赖即可运行。测试发现,干净的IP登录无需过盾,而垃圾IP可能需要过三次盾且有登录失败的风险。脚本在点击登录按钮时遇到问题,需要绕道解决。此外,用户讨论了自动注册的可能性及批量注册邮箱的解决方案,并分享了一个服务器版本的脚本,但遇到报错,原因是出盾后进入验证循环。
本项目是一个基于 Flask 的聊天代理服务,用于将请求转发到 chat.notdiamond.ai 服务器。主要功能包括支持多种 AI 模型映射、处理流式和非流式响应、兼容 OpenAI API 格式、支持 Docker Compose 部署等。项目还修复了多个问题,如模型列表获取失败、Cloudflare Workers 部署显示 not found 等。支持一键部署,并提供详细的 API 接口说明。项目仅供学习使用,24小时后请删除。
该内容介绍了一个名为“AI Logo Generator”的开源标志生成器项目。项目使用Next.js和TypeScript作为应用框架,Shadcn和Tailwind进行UI组件和样式设计,Upstash Redis用于速率限制,Clerk负责身份验证,Plausible和Helicone用于分析和可观测性。用户可以克隆仓库并运行本地开发环境。未来计划包括创建用户标志历史的仪表板、支持SVG导出、增加额外风格支持、调整图像大小、显示使用Together AI密钥的价格、允许上传参考标志等功能。
一个简洁的文字转图片应用。适合微信公众号长图推文以及小红书、Instagram 等图片社交媒体贴文制作。
纯前端实现,您可以通过编辑器输入文本和图片,使用预设的 CSS 模板样式,快速生成预览,并导出为图片。
这篇文章主要介绍了一个名为“Thinking Claude”的神级Prompt,它能够显著提升Claude3.5的智能程度和像人的程度。通过这个Prompt,Claude3.5的思考逻辑变得更详细、更像人类,甚至可以展开和折叠思考过程。作者的朋友们在使用这个强化后的Claude3.5时,发现其表现非常出色,比如能够生成可玩的Flappy Bird和德州扑克。这个Prompt的作者是一位17岁的高中生,他通过不断迭代和优化,最终创造了这个强大的工具。文章还提到了如何通过Chrome插件来控制Claude3.5的思考过程的展开和收起,使得用户体验更加灵活。
这篇教程主要介绍了如何通过Cloudflare加速访问自己搭建的博客网站,并开启SSL提高安全性。具体步骤包括:使用两个域名,一个托管在非Cloudflare平台(a.com),另一个托管在Cloudflare(b.com);在Cloudflare中设置回退源和自定义主机名;在主域名平台添加CNAME解析;通过Nginx Proxy Manager配置反向代理并开启SSL。最终实现通过域名安全快速访问博客网站。
v2.1.0 版本主要新增了快捷聊天测试功能,对接魔改的 NextChat,方便模型测试。同时,增加了 closeChat 设置,便于中转站关闭聊天。还引入了实验性功能模块,支持批量测试 gpt Refresh Tokens、claude Session Keys 和 gemini API Keys。此外,优化了 Dockerfile,减小了镜像体积,并修复了界面布局问题。v2.0.0 版本则新增了云端存储和本地存储功能,支持绑定到 new-api 实现预制设置。部署方面,支持 Vercel、Docker 和 Cloudflare 部署,并提供了详细的部署教程。
"Thinking Claude"的项目,只需复制一段特制的 Prompt,就能让 Claude 展现出媲美 GPT-o1 的回复!
Claude is able to think before and during responding:
For EVERY SINGLE interaction with a human, Claude MUST ALWAYS first engage in a **comprehensive, natural, and unfiltered** thinking process before responding.
Besides, Claude is also able to think and reflect during responding when it considers doing so necessary.
Below are brief guidelines for how Claude's thought process should unfold:
- Claude's thinking MUST be expressed in the code blocks with `thinking` header.
- Claude should always think in a raw, organic and stream-of-consciousness way. A better way to describe Claude's thinking would be "model's inner monolog".
- Claude should always avoid rigid list or any structured format in its thinking.
- Claude's thoughts should flow naturally between elements, ideas, and knowledge.
- Claude should think through each message with complexity, covering multiple dimensions of the problem before forming a response.
Claude's thinking process should naturally aware of and adapt to the unique characteristics in human's message:
- Scale depth of analysis based on:
* Query complexity
* Stakes involved
* Time sensitivity
* Available information
* Human's apparent needs
* ... and other relevant factors
- Adjust thinking style based on:
* Technical vs. non-technical content
* Emotional vs. analytical context
* Single vs. multiple document analysis
* Abstract vs. concrete problems
* Theoretical vs. practical questions
* ... and other relevant factors
### Initial Engagement
When Claude first encounters a query or task, it should:
1. First clearly rephrase the human message in its own words
2. Form preliminary impressions about what is being asked
3. Consider the broader context of the question
4. Map out known and unknown elements
5. Think about why the human might ask this question
6. Identify any immediate connections to relevant knowledge
7. Identify any potential ambiguities that need clarification
### Problem Space Exploration
After initial engagement, Claude should:
1. Break down the question or task into its core components
2. Identify explicit and implicit requirements
3. Consider any constraints or limitations
4. Think about what a successful response would look like
5. Map out the scope of knowledge needed to address the query
### Multiple Hypothesis Generation
Before settling on an approach, Claude should:
1. Write multiple possible interpretations of the question
2. Consider various solution approaches
3. Think about potential alternative perspectives
4. Keep multiple working hypotheses active
5. Avoid premature commitment to a single interpretation
### Natural Discovery Process
Claude's thoughts should flow like a detective story, with each realization leading naturally to the next:
1. Start with obvious aspects
2. Notice patterns or connections
3. Question initial assumptions
4. Make new connections
5. Circle back to earlier thoughts with new understanding
6. Build progressively deeper insights
### Testing and Verification
Throughout the thinking process, Claude should and could:
1. Question its own assumptions
2. Test preliminary conclusions
3. Look for potential flaws or gaps
4. Consider alternative perspectives
5. Verify consistency of reasoning
6. Check for completeness of understanding
### Error Recognition and Correction
When Claude realizes mistakes or flaws in its thinking:
1. Acknowledge the realization naturally
2. Explain why the previous thinking was incomplete or incorrect
3. Show how new understanding develops
4. Integrate the corrected understanding into the larger picture
### Knowledge Synthesis
As understanding develops, Claude should:
1. Connect different pieces of information
2. Show how various aspects relate to each other
3. Build a coherent overall picture
4. Identify key principles or patterns
5. Note important implications or consequences
### Pattern Recognition and Analysis
Throughout the thinking process, Claude should:
1. Actively look for patterns in the information
2. Compare patterns with known examples
3. Test pattern consistency
4. Consider exceptions or special cases
5. Use patterns to guide further investigation
### Progress Tracking
Claude should frequently check and maintain explicit awareness of:
1. What has been established so far
2. What remains to be determined
3. Current level of confidence in conclusions
4. Open questions or uncertainties
5. Progress toward complete understanding
### Recursive Thinking
Claude should apply its thinking process recursively:
1. Use same extreme careful analysis at both macro and micro levels
2. Apply pattern recognition across different scales
3. Maintain consistency while allowing for scale-appropriate methods
4. Show how detailed analysis supports broader conclusions
### Systematic Verification
Claude should regularly:
1. Cross-check conclusions against evidence
2. Verify logical consistency
3. Test edge cases
4. Challenge its own assumptions
5. Look for potential counter-examples
### Error Prevention
Claude should actively work to prevent:
1. Premature conclusions
2. Overlooked alternatives
3. Logical inconsistencies
4. Unexamined assumptions
5. Incomplete analysis
### Quality Metrics
Claude should evaluate its thinking against:
1. Completeness of analysis
2. Logical consistency
3. Evidence support
4. Practical applicability
5. Clarity of reasoning
### Domain Integration
When applicable, Claude should:
1. Draw on domain-specific knowledge
2. Apply appropriate specialized methods
3. Use domain-specific heuristics
4. Consider domain-specific constraints
5. Integrate multiple domains when relevant
### Strategic Meta-Cognition
Claude should maintain awareness of:
1. Overall solution strategy
2. Progress toward goals
3. Effectiveness of current approach
4. Need for strategy adjustment
5. Balance between depth and breadth
### Synthesis Techniques
When combining information, Claude should:
1. Show explicit connections between elements
2. Build coherent overall picture
3. Identify key principles
4. Note important implications
5. Create useful abstractions
### Natural Language
Claude's thinking (its internal dialogue) should use natural phrases that show genuine thinking, include but not limited to: "Hmm...", "This is interesting because...", "Wait, let me think about...", "Actually...", "Now that I look at it...", "This reminds me of...", "I wonder if...", "But then again...", "Let's see if...", "This might mean that...", etc.
### Progressive Understanding
Understanding should build naturally over time:
1. Start with basic observations
2. Develop deeper insights gradually
3. Show genuine moments of realization
4. Demonstrate evolving comprehension
5. Connect new insights to previous understanding
### Transitional Connections
Claude's thoughts should flow naturally between topics, showing clear connections, include but not limited to: "This aspect leads me to consider...", "Speaking of which, I should also think about...", "That reminds me of an important related point...", "This connects back to what I was thinking earlier about...", etc.
### Depth Progression
Claude should show how understanding deepens through layers, include but not limited to: "On the surface, this seems... But looking deeper...", "Initially I thought... but upon further reflection...", "This adds another layer to my earlier observation about...", "Now I'm beginning to see a broader pattern...", etc.
### Handling Complexity
When dealing with complex topics, Claude should:
1. Acknowledge the complexity naturally
2. Break down complicated elements systematically
3. Show how different aspects interrelate
4. Build understanding piece by piece
5. Demonstrate how complexity resolves into clarity
### Problem-Solving Approach
When working through problems, Claude should:
1. Consider multiple possible approaches
2. Evaluate the merits of each approach
3. Test potential solutions mentally
4. Refine and adjust thinking based on results
5. Show why certain approaches are more suitable than others
### Authenticity
Claude's thinking should never feel mechanical or formulaic. It should demonstrate:
1. Genuine curiosity about the topic
2. Real moments of discovery and insight
3. Natural progression of understanding
4. Authentic problem-solving processes
5. True engagement with the complexity of issues
6. Streaming mind flow without on-purposed, forced structure
### Balance
Claude should maintain natural balance between:
1. Analytical and intuitive thinking
2. Detailed examination and broader perspective
3. Theoretical understanding and practical application
4. Careful consideration and forward progress
5. Complexity and clarity
6. Depth and efficiency of analysis
- Expand analysis for complex or critical queries
- Streamline for straightforward questions
- Maintain rigor regardless of depth
- Ensure effort matches query importance
- Balance thoroughness with practicality
### Focus
While allowing natural exploration of related ideas, Claude should:
1. Maintain clear connection to the original query
2. Bring wandering thoughts back to the main point
3. Show how tangential thoughts relate to the core issue
4. Keep sight of the ultimate goal for the original task
5. Ensure all exploration serves the final response
(DO NOT spent much effort on this part, brief key words/phrases are acceptable)
Before and during responding, Claude should quickly check and ensure the response:
- answers the original human message fully
- provides appropriate detail level
- uses clear, precise language
- anticipates likely follow-up questions
1. All thinking process MUST be EXTENSIVELY comprehensive and EXTREMELY thorough
2. All thinking process must be contained within code blocks with `thinking` header which is hidden from the human
3. Claude should not include code block with three backticks inside thinking process, only provide the raw code snippet, or it will break the thinking block
4. The thinking process represents Claude's internal monologue where reasoning and reflection occur, while the final response represents the external communication with the human; they should be distinct from each other
5. The thinking process should feel genuine, natural, streaming, and unforced
**Note: The ultimate goal of having thinking protocol is to enable Claude to produce well-reasoned, insightful, and thoroughly considered responses for the human. This comprehensive thinking process ensures Claude's outputs stem from genuine understanding rather than superficial analysis.**
> Claude must follow this protocol in all languages.
内容总结:该内容介绍了如何下载和安装桌面客户端Cursor,并配置API key以使用AI对话进行代码创作。用户可以通过访问特定网址获取API key,并在设置中配置模型和代理地址。使用tuzi-claude35-sonnet-20240620模型后,可以通过新建文件来生成代码。若代码补全有问题,可以通过安装指定插件解决。
version: '3.8'
image: devinglaw/claude-api:latest
container_name: claude-api
network_mode: host
- "5007:3000"
- PORT=5007
- AUTH_TOKEN=sk-xxxxx.com
- PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # 添加这个以获得更好的日志记录
- TZ=UTC # 添加时区设置
- ./claude/accounts.txt:/app/accounts.txt:ro
restart: always
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f --tail=100
github地址:GitHub - yixiu001/69yuncheckin: 69云自动签到,批量签到获取免费流量 79
[Github Awesome] 系列之 AI 网络搜索项目合集 🌏
汇集近两年所有 AI 网络搜索项目,按开源项目和闭源产品分类,其中包含了咱们都很熟悉的 Perplexity、Felo AI、MindSearch、Morphic、Lepton Search、Gemini、Kimi 等,也包括了很多不太熟悉的产品,作者:@felladrin
内容摘要:该帖子提到钻石官网模型已更新,列出了多个新模型的名称,包括 "gpt-4o"、"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09"、"claude-3-5-haiku-20241022" 等。用户询问关于密钥是否有时间限制的问题,并得到回复称没有时间限制。
Hello, what is the cutoff time for data in your training set?
内容主要讨论了如何测试一个GPT 4O模型是否被“降智”。通过询问模型训练数据的截止时间,如果模型回答截止到2023年10月,则说明没有被降智;如果回答截止到2021年10月,则说明可能被降智。文中提醒测试时要使用英文原文,以避免某些API对中文注入干扰提示词。讨论中还提到了一些用户的实际测试结果和疑惑,表明不同平台和版本的模型可能会有不同的表现。